The author acknowledges, and would like to thank, everyone who has helped with The Escalator in small and big ways. They have worked on or assisted with the manuscript, the videos, the audiobook, and the publication in one way or another, even if only to give moral support!
The Manuscript
Many different readers have helped with the text over the years including Stephen Edmed, Stan Barstow, Roy Tuckey, Ashley Stokes, Clare Harris, Sara Maitland and Holly Ainley. Gale Winskill, Lee Dickinson and Averill Buchanan have copyedited the piece at different stages, a rare skill and essential task. Any remaining errors, ommissions or misjudgements are the author’s alone.
The Audiobook and Videos
The audiobook was recorded by Jodi Burgess. The author is delighted with the results. Her understanding of the text, and patient teasing out of the meaning from the words, is wonderful. The videos on these pages and elsewhere are the work of Simon Peecock, filmmaker and good listener. His filmic interpretations and discoveries are faithful to the words and emotions, in the author’s view. Jill Priest and Kate Courage provided the voice overs for Cas and Lois respectively. The actor in the Lois sequences wishes to remain unacknowledged. Lois’s instincts might have been much the same!
The novel was published by Editstream Press on January 1st, 2023.
Paperback, ebook and hardcover design by Averill Buchanan. Typesetting of the ebook and paperback were also by Averill Buchanan. Typesetting of the Hardcover, large print, edition is by Shilka Ltd.

Where to read The Escalator:
You can order it here in the format you prefer and from the supplier of your choice.